
Genel, İşletim Sistemleri, Windows 10

Bu makalemde size ufak çaplı yeni Windows 10 un ilk ön izlenimini anlatmak istiyorum. Klasik Windows ve metro görünümle birleşmiş çok tatlı bir arayüz sunuluyor bize. Gerek görsellik gerek erişim açısından beklenilenin üstünde bir işletim sistemi. Not: Windows 10 ta ...

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The Hacker News

  • This AI-Powered Cybercrime Service Bundles Phishing Kits with Malicious Android Apps
    by [email protected] (The Hacker News) on 26 Temmuz 2024 at 13:17

    A Spanish-speaking cybercrime group named GXC Team has been observed bundling phishing kits with malicious Android applications, taking malware-as-a-service (MaaS) offerings to the next level. Singaporean cybersecurity company Group-IB, which has been tracking the e-crime actor since January 2023, described the crimeware solution as a "sophisticated AI-powered phishing-as-a-service platform"

  • Offensive AI: The Sine Qua Non of Cybersecurity
    by [email protected] (The Hacker News) on 26 Temmuz 2024 at 11:00

    "Peace is the virtue of civilization. War is its crime. Yet it is often in the furnace of war that the sharpest tools of peace are forged." - Victor Hugo. In 1971, an unsettling message started appearing on several computers that comprised ARPANET, the precursor to what we now know as the Internet. The message, which read "I'm the Creeper: catch me if you can." was the output of a program named

  • U.S. DoJ Indicts North Korean Hacker for Ransomware Attacks on Hospitals
    by [email protected] (The Hacker News) on 26 Temmuz 2024 at 08:55

    The U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) on Thursday unsealed an indictment against a North Korean military intelligence operative for allegedly carrying out ransomware attacks against healthcare facilities in the country and funneling the payments to orchestrate additional intrusions into defense, technology, and government entities across the world. "Rim Jong Hyok and his co-conspirators deployed

  • Ongoing Cyberattack Targets Exposed Selenium Grid Services for Crypto Mining
    by [email protected] (The Hacker News) on 26 Temmuz 2024 at 06:19

    Cybersecurity researchers are sounding the alarm over an ongoing campaign that's leveraging internet-exposed Selenium Grid services for illicit cryptocurrency mining. Cloud security firm Wiz is tracking the activity under the name SeleniumGreed. The campaign, which is targeting older versions of Selenium (3.141.59 and prior), is believed to be underway since at least April 2023. "Unbeknownst to

  • CrowdStrike Warns of New Phishing Scam Targeting German Customers
    by [email protected] (The Hacker News) on 26 Temmuz 2024 at 05:52

    CrowdStrike is alerting about an unfamiliar threat actor attempting to capitalize on the Falcon Sensor update fiasco to distribute dubious installers targeting German customers as part of a highly targeted campaign. The cybersecurity company said it identified what it described as an unattributed spear-phishing attempt on July 24, 2024, distributing an inauthentic CrowdStrike Crash Reporter